
Paradise in Berlin – Wannsee

photo 1When autumn leaves start to fall
It didn’t feel like we were still in Berlin. There were rivers and bridges and parks. We had been told about this place called Wannsee in the south-west of Berlin during the summer. We finally made it here in the autumn, just as the leaves were turning and starting to fall. It was the perfect autumn day.
In the summer it is a big beach and people swim in the lakes. In the winter, everyone grabs their ice skates and gets on the frozen ice, skating for hours of free fun. One friend told us her mother had taken her and her two siblings to spend every single weekend on the lakes every winter. She owns her own boots and we need to get some too…
Leaving the station, wander over the bridge to take in the stunning views. Walking further, you can tell this is no longer the centre of Berlin. The houses are huge, with swings, slides and climbing frames. This is where you come with kids. There are barely any shops, or even people wandering around. It’s quiet. Suburban. And stunning. We even spotted a red squirrel!
photo 3On the side of the road, one lady had written a note attached to a big blue bucket: Please take these apples. Her huge crop had given her too many apples to deal with and they were on offer to anyone who would carry them away.
I love the hustle, bustle and generally craziness of Berlin, but if you want some scenery and autumn walks, go to the Wannsee area and just get lost. We picked leaves for craft projects (watch this space) and watched people feed ducks. A dog jumped into a lake and dashed out again, shaking the water off his body at anyone near by. Fishermen were trying their luck. Couples were walking hand-in-hand.
photo 2And naturally, after our huge walk, we got a little peckish. What seemed like a garden centre at first was actually an organic cafĂ© and supermarket. It sold local produce, all in season. I had a spicy pumpkin soup (they are everywhere at the moment) and the cutest teapot of tea I have ever seen. Pricey, but it felt healthy and with all that fresh air and exercise you can bet we had a great night’s sleep!
Go for lunch/ nibbles at: Mutter Fourage: http://www.hofcafe-berlin.de/


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