
Posts about boardgames

  • Boardgames

    Doublesix Dice – Board Gaming Opulence Part 1

    Good afternoon internet folks. Allow me to introduce you to a short series on what I am referring to as ‘Board gaming opulence’. Essentially, items and accessories for the board/card/tabletop gaming world that are pretty much unncessary but bring a massive smile to my face for their existence! Doublesix Dice have the honour of featuring in this first installment. What are double six dice I hear you say? Well they are just like regular 6-sided dice (d6 to the dice aficionados out there) except that the dice have 12-sides (d12) with numbers 1 through 6 printed twice. What is the point of such a thing when we already have had…

  • Boardgames

    Animal upon Animal – Boardgame

    Today I’d like to introduce you to one of the most accessible (and possibly funniest) game we have in our collection. Animal upon Animal (Tier auf Tier in German) is published by HABA, a company known for its extensive range of games aimed at children. Animal upon Animal is no exception to this but as the box states, it can be enjoyed by all ages up to but not exceeding 99 years. Sorry all you Centenarians out there! This is a simple dexterity game of stacking different wooden animals on top of each other until one person manages to place their last animal successfully on the animal mountain and wins…