
Vending machines with a twist!

To read or not to read… that is the question…
There are vending machines everywhere in Japan. If you are hungry, thirsty or even in need of a cigarette (yes, these machines still exist in Japan), you will find a vending machine to fulfil your needs. In fact, according to the Japanese Vending Machine Association (ahem) there are over 5.6 million vending machines in the country. So that would make 1 machine per 23 people. I know! It’s crazy!
However, the machines are amazing1 On New Year’s day they will wish you a ‘Happy New Year!’ If you need your caffeine fix why not grab a quick and hot coffee? How about an energy drink after climbing to the top of Mount Fuji? Yup, it’s true – there is a vending machine higher than the clouds.
They are scattered around England, especially in underground stations and stocked with chocolates and crisps. It’s the same here in Germany. But the other day we wandered past this gem in a Berlin underground station.
photo 1You can actually buy books for your journey before jumping on the train. What a great idea…

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