
Trip to Sweden (IKEA)

Mamma Mia *it has just got to be ABBA*
A local friend was shocked that I had moved to Berlin, stayed in the city for over one month, and had not yet been to IKEA. It seems it is a right of passage when you move house. In London, IKEA was just around the corner, so we used to go for meatball dinner on a Friday night. When we realised IKEA is a stone’s throw away from our current residence, we went immediately to eat! Now we go all the time, whether we need something or not!
photoIKEA meatballs are great. Here you get to put on the red sauce all by yourself. A grand thing, as I always have to ask for extra. I like my meatballs drowning in red sauce and my mash potato swimming happily in the special brown sauce. Wow, I love IKEA. There are apparently other reasons to go than eating but…
IKEA seems to be the same the world over: full of pregnant ladies, arguing couples and screaming children. Then there are the crazy people who should not be let loose with a trolley alongside those really annoying people who put their trolley in the middle of the aisle and wander off, blocking the way of everyone else trying desperately to continue along the arrows leading ever so slowly towards the exit.
I love looking at the pillows. And the duvet sets. Wow, double duvet sets. And the bunk beds – how cool would it be to have a bunk bed with a desk underneath it? Anyway, it always reminds me of the time I went to visit a friend in Stockholm and instead of doing some typical touristy stuff, my main aim was to visit the first ever IKEA store. Of course I ordered 20 meatballs – the chef asked if I was sure – but I told him to slap it on a plate, with mash and extra red sauce. I could see in his eyes that he doubted I would finish it, so when I did, I proudly went up to him and showed him my empty plate. We left soon afterwards as I was too full to breathe and needed to lie down. Ahem.
Address: IKEA Einrichtungshaus Berlin-Tempelhof, Sachsendamm 47, 10829 Berlin.


  • Steven Glassman

    Kottbullar! I haven’t eaten at Ikea since I left Germany. There is an Ikea in South Florida, but it’s geographically located in such a way that I can’t just kip off to grab a nosh on the spur of the moment, I have to set out time in order to go there.

  • Steven Glassman

    Also, I saw a post somewhere… I can’t remember where… that detailed in hilarious fashion why Ikea is actually a test for couples. Your line about arguing couples reminded me.

    • Vanessa Abel

      Hahaha – yes – I always see arguing couples in IKEA – it’s bad enough in the supermarkets here – haha! I have to say you just gotta go to South Florida to get those meatballs! We might go today actually 😉

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