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    Spring has sprung

    Spring fever, spring is here at last Spring fever, my heart’s beating fast Get up, get out spring is everywhere It’s funny how we have listened to locals in Berlin go on and on and ON about the terrible winter. We met people who were going to leave the country for a couple of months. Others told us how it had snowed until April last year. In autumn people told us to enjoy the outdoors while we still could. I was scared. Really scared. I don’t like the cold. I’m not from ‘up north’ like Jason. If it’s cold I wear a lot of clothes. And if I’m still cold…

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    Here comes Berlin's famous winter…

    Let it snow (not!!!) So I stepped outside today and slipped and slid all over the place. Jason took two steps out of the office and flew comedy-style, landing on his back. It is beyond icy and with the cold wind, winter has officially arrived. It is impossible to go out without coat, gloves, scarf and hat. Brrrr. Up until this morning, I was wondering what all the fuss is about. People in Germany complain about the winter weather more than us Brits. Everyone moans about the winter: the snow, the dark, the cold, the wind. Up until today however it has been lovely. On occasion it’s cold, but usually…

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    Christmas Cookie Time!

    Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree… No Christmas would be complete without Christmas biscuits. We made a lot of them and here is what we did: You will need: 100g sugar 100g butter 275g flour 1 egg You put everything into a bowl and mix like crazy. Then my trick is to put the mixture into the fridge for half an hour to cool it down, as when you touch the mixture you are warming it up and this makes it sticky and hard to use. Next, put flour on your hands, the rolling pin and the surface you are going to put the mixture on and roll out the…

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    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow… Okay, it’s true: I’m English and I love complaining about the weather. Lately, my friends back home have been moaning about the cold. I have been sympathetic of course, my culture asks me to do this, but inside I am wondering if moving to Berlin was such a good idea after all. Our friends here have started wearing big winter coats. And scarves. Gloves have now come out too and hats are commonplace. Not those cute fashionable hats, but big woolly ones with pompoms attached to the top. I have seen ear flaps and at the market fur is everywhere. It…