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    A Lovely Hen Party

    Chick-chick-chick-chick-chicken… Those of you that know me well will also know I’m not a typical girlie girl. I don’t like shopping, massages, going to the hairdresser, spending money on makeup or famous star spotting. I would much rather sit in Jason’s clothes reading a book whilst makeup-less in bed after having cut my own hair. I also find it hard to get excited about wedding-related stuff, although I really enjoy weddings! I’m trying very hard at the moment to be a good bridesmaid for my sister-to-be. I actually managed to get a weekend off to go home to London for three days for the Hen Party and to see my…

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    Why English food is the best!!

    Food glorious food… When people say English food is bad, I just feel sorry for them. They obviously haven’t experienced England properly. When people say the food in London is bad, I just pity them and think these people are very lucky to have met me – now they have a chance to be educated in food from my wonderfully delicious home. London has the best food in the world. Anything you want to eat – it’s there. From curry and cakes for breakfast to fresh bagels and soup at 3am. Hungry for a typical English breakfast at dinner time? No problem for London! I literally could go on and on…

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    Burger and Lobster Restaurant in London

    Under the sea… This place is a gem! I planned to just lump all the food we ate in London into one long post, but seriously this place needs its own mention. Burger and Lobster is one of those delicious restaurants definitely not for vegetarians. My favourite thing about the place is that there are just three things on the menu: burger, lobster or lobster roll. Literally no traipsing through the menu trying to decide what to eat – although just choosing one of those three options was hard for me! I originally heard about this place from my colleague when I was working in London many years ago. He…

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    Home Sweet Home?

    I really really really really really really like you… Just got back from a three-day visit to London for a hen party (more on that soon). Crazy to think it was the first time we’d been home this year – I haven’t seen my family all year. It’s feels like England is so close and we can just pop over any time, but then life and random holidays get in the way and we just don’t find ourselves back in the Queen’s country enough. I LOVED being home. I miss my family, my friends, the tube (I know I’m weird), Oyster cards, two-pound coins, people being polite, service in the…

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    Getting our craft on!

    You’re one in a minion… Over the last few days we have gotten a little crafty! My Japanese grandmother left for Japan again (insert sad face here) and she misses her life in London a lot, so I made her some London-themed coasters. These are super easy and quick to make and I love how they turned out. As we will be finally going back to London for the shortest ever visit soon, I also made a fabric ball with pulley-tags for my lovely friend’s baby who I FINALLY get to meet – cannot wait! And last night, Jason and I sat down to paint. They turned out absolutely adorably…

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    English Supermarkets

    Food, glorious food… I remember the first time we walked into a huge supermarket in Germany. I was astounded by the meat section. There were rows and rows and more rows with just meat. Minced, slabs, big, small, whole chickens, hundreds of sausages to choose from… wow. And the only fish on sale was smoked salmon in wrapping. Disappointing for fish fans, but heaven for those carnivores amongst us. Last week we went home to London for a memorial. It’s the first time we have been back this year (!!!) even though it’s cheap and only an hour away. We popped to the dentist, but our phones were on Germany…

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    Excuse me, there's a bit of London in my Berlin

    A few days after we moved into our lovely new home, I was back in the moving van helping my friend move across the city. After hours of heavy lifting picking up furniture, plants and mattresses, I was treated to a delicious chicken schwarma dinner as a reward (I had to get food somewhere into this post!) and set off back home. Imagine my surprise when I stepped off the U2 Train at Wittenburgplatz and spotted this in my exhausted state: I genuinely had to do a double-take and my brain for the slightest of moments thought I had somehow travelled back to London without realising. This design of the…