
Wonderful Neighbours

Everybody needs good neighbours…
Our last post about our neighbours was one of L&A’s most popular posts ever.Β The man living below us was so aggressive and rude that we ended up calling the police. Luckily he is but a horrible distant memory now, as our new neighbourhood in Steglitz is wonderful. It’s green, quiet and full of people that will greet you when you are walking around town. When we moved in, our closest neighbour came to greet us and we often have little chats with the family upstairs, as their kids seem to be constantly outside our door.
Occasionally we will hear the vacuum cleaner going from the people living directly above us, or someone practicing their opera skills whilst singing a scale now and then, but you have to really strain your ears to hear anything or anyone. We have absolutely no complaints about the people living nearby and it seems that is very rare in Berlin.
The only problem is that we live on the ground floor. This means easy access for the postman. When he can’t find the owner to a package that needs to be delivered, he will ring our doorbell. Often we are still fast-asleep when the harsh Ding-Dong goes. However, we order lots of things as well, so our neighbours collect our packages for us to.
So when the doorbell rang yet again the other day, we assumed our upstairs neighbour had come to collect his package. We did not expect a “Happy New Year And Thank You For Always Collecting My Mail” bottle of red wine! What a result! If you are looking for somewhere to move, come to Steglitz – the people here are lovely πŸ™‚
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