
Procrastination on a whole new level…

Well isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?
We took July off to have a break. The plan was to spend almost no money, cook lots, eat well, cycle everywhere and be tourists in London. During the month we have mostly used the tube, eaten out more than eaten in and gone to just one exhibition which we managed to blag our way inside for free as press, but sadly they didn’t even offer free coffee or tea, so we ended up having to get snacks next door. To cut a long month short, money is disappearing fast.
Thinking back, we probably should have just continued to work and got paid to do all this stuff. The good intentions of packing nice and early have yet to come to fruition. The house looks like a tip – nothing has been packed and we leave in a week. I have always known I wouldn’t pack until the last possible moment. I remember my mother had to pack for me on my first trip to Japan as I just didn’t do it. I guess that I work well under pressure. I need to know I have a day to pack and then I’m off in my little world and get everything done in time. I don’t know why I thought having a month would make any difference.
A month seemed like a long time but time is ticking and still…
I guess I have started in my head at least to prepare. I am currently trying to figure out what shoes to bring. For example: how many shoes is it acceptable to bring to Berlin? What if I get a job where I need to look smart? Or if I have to dress up for an amazing evening out? Or how about when I do gardening? Or running. And for inside the swimming baths? And general walking? What if it rains… or even worse, snows? I think I might need a whole suitcase just for shoes. Hmmm.
bbqOn a non-shoe-related subject, the good thing about our break is that we have managed to see lots of friends and family. We spent a week up North with Jason’s lovely family, feeding giraffes (as you do), eating home-made pâté and having BBQs galore. We went on a dancing weekend and my grandmother from Japan is over, so we have been entertaining all week. She bought an iPad and then smashed it to pieces within an hour of purchasing it. Then we spent a few hours sorting that out. We also had the builders in and got certificates for the house and I got us some new insurance and painted the garage. There was also the small matter of a certain Prince being born, so I may or may not have been watching the news very closely for a couple of days. Actually I’m surprised the refresh button on my phone hasn’t broken. Ahem. (I used to work in News… it can’t be helped…)
So sadly, the last week of freedom in London is going to consist of me in the attic trying to sort out my rubbish. And the attic is not a nice place to be. I have found little hills of mouse poo all over the place and it is dark and creepy and smelly. However, it only needs to be done once and the sooner the better. (Did I tell you all – we no longer have mice. Or more importantly a rat, or as we now think, a squirrel – yey!)
My diary is packed and I’m trying not to panic. I have yet to sort out the general mess in the entire house and 30 years worth of stuff that seems to be cluttering every wall, surface and nook and cranny. There are only so many trips to the charity shop I can fit into my life and my hands hurt from carrying the plastic bags full of stuff I used to wear and love. Where do all these possessions come from?George
So yes, one week to go. Lots of things to do. I should start now actually, no time like the present, as some might say. Ooooh, I might just check to see what’s in the fridge first though. And maybe play a game or something. Or do my nails… maybe I will just start all the hard work tomorrow, it is Sunday evening after all and there is a whole week left to go…
[Note: can I also mention that I managed not to write about the new British Prince – bet you are all impressed!]

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