
It continues to squeak in the night

I just haven’t met you yet…
I would like to apologise in advance. This may not be a post enjoyed by all… and it may be a post that leads to animal cruelty.
Before I begin I would like to say I don’t even hurt insects. I put spiders and flies etc into a glass and pop them outside so that they can continue their journey, putting a pane of glass between us for my sanity. I also move snails and slugs from my garden, instead of removing them from existence. And that is why I’m not overly happy about what I am going to tell you, but it seems it needs to be done. You have been warned!Herby's welcome
I have tried the humane traps for mice. We put the first one down a month ago, when Herby (our mouse) was first spotted and we filled the trap with delicious nutella. But to no avail. It stood eerily empty and quiet. Then we put another trap down, filling it with the half-finished cake. Still nothing.
Then two evenings ago Herby struck again. The evidence was some rattling near a black bag in the kitchen and two nibble marks. That was the evening I discovered an addiction to making cakelets (also known as cake pops to the wider population).
Cakelets upcloseThey were fresh and warm and covered in chocolate and sprinkles with beautiful designs. I am quite proud of my first batch of cakelets. So I wasn’t overly happy with sharing this perfection with Herby, but it was a necessity. We put some nibbles just outside the door of his trap and some more inside the trap. We left Herby to his own devices for less than ten minutes and in that time he had not only eaten the snack leading into the trap, but he had actually gone inside the trap and nabbed the cakelet pieces. He must have been hungry. So why didn’t the trap activate?
According to a variety of advice from friends, the humane traps don’t work. So tonight I am off to get the real thing. I have heard people say you can do a proper anatomy lesson when the traps are successful. I don’t like the sound of that at all. This also means I may not be writing about Herby anymore. Either way, I will be leaving Jason to clear it up. And as a thank you, I shall make him a load of cakelets.


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