
Being Sick in Germany

Call me Dr Jones…
Yes. I did just refer to an Aqua song, but it’s a great song. So there.
Now, most of you know I seem to get sick all the time. Half of my life in London I seem to either have a cold or be getting over one. I know it’s not normal, but when you have always been sniffling, you just kind of get used to it. I have to say though interestingly, that in Berlin, I am sick a lot less. However, a few weeks ago, it happened yet again. I felt the sore throat and – lo and behold – the tickling in the throat became a cough, accompanied by sniffles that quickly developed into a tissue-needing frenzy. Headache came to join the party and by the end of the day I was knocked out and exhausted in bed. Typically, all this happened on my day off.
photo (1)The next day I had some friends from France visit with their lovely little boy. I was so sick I couldn’t spend a single day with them, showing them my city and I still feel bad about it. On their second day with us, my allergies went so crazy I was taking my asthma inhaler, which hadn’t been used in years. And then their little boy started sneezing with a whole new sickness, which he kindly passed on to me.
So in one week I had allergies and two different colds. I could barely remember my name I was so ill and my friend said to me: “it’s not normal to be this sick all the time”. Even though I know this and always have, it made me go to the doctor to finally figure out at least what I am allergic to. I have an appointment with the allergist (allergy doctor?) next week and I can’t wait. I guess I’m just hoping it’s not chocolate or curry, cheese or bread. Otherwise I shall just have to keep on being sick, as I don’t think I can survive without any of those.
Wish me luck!


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