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    Interview with Blogger Charlotte Steggz

    Vanessa: I met Charlotte in Japan many years ago and I read her blog more than any other. We have so much in common, having both studied Japanese and lived in Japan for many years and then living in Germany. We were delighted to grab an interview with her and tell you about her exciting new project: podcasts! L&A: We love your blog. Tell us all about it! Hehe thank you. I love your blog too! I started blogging when I was in Japan as a student. I’ve always liked telling people stories, so I found it easy to tell people stories of my life there. When people responded really…

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    Guest Blog: Jen and Pat Butler

    So what do you get when you take a sister fascinated with different cultures and a desire for adventure and a brother who likes sharing in adventures and is great at taking awesome photos?? – Jen & Pat visiting Poland, Germany and the UK for 11 days this past September 2013. Some background – Jen is me, Jennifer Butler, American, proud Mississippi-native currently in Tennessee.  Pat is my older brother, Patrick Butler, currently still in Mississippi but willing to share adventures when I get the travel-bug in me. A few years ago, I decided it was time to head to graduate school to continue in my favorite field of study…

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    Guest Blog: Steph visits the Community Garden

    As an Eco Warrior and Friends of the Earth campaigner, I have heard that Berlin is one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe. Indeed this appears to be true and as a resident of Manchester in the UK, I hope that it will also follow suit. After all, Manchester does twin itself with Berlin so it better get a move on! I was lucky enough to visit a community garden in Stadtteilgarten Schillerkiez on the grounds of the old Templehof Airport, which was no less than stunning. Flowers, fruits and veg were growing from a number of quirky pots, raised beds and even old shoes! You could venture…

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    Guest Blog: Kim comes for a visit…

    Hello, my name’s Kim. Vanessa has invited me to write a guest blog post as I’ve just got back from visiting her and Jason in Berlin. I felt very proud (and a little guilty) to be their First Visitor, elbowing my way past other friends and relatives to land on their doorstep and scoff their delicious homemade apricot jam just four days after they arrived. On Saturday I visited the Otto Weidt Workshop for the Blind, an incredibly moving museum about a brush factory owner who employed blind and deaf Jewish workers in 1930s and 1940s Berlin. He forged papers to allow them to work, helped them hide from the…