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    Cologne in One Day

    Putting on cologne in Cologne… As promised, I’m going to give you a little mash-up of our short trip to Cologne. It’s the second time I’ve been, last time for the Xmas markets, but because Jason’s not seen the Dom yet and we were literally in the area, plus one of my favourite friends and her dog lives there, we just had to pop in for two days. One day we spent in the lovely shop my friend has and another we explored the town… not only food, but mostly food… ahem… So, without further ado, here’s what you must see, do and EAT: I love how the minute you…

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    Vienna Day Four

    Let it go, let it go… There wasn’t meant to be a Vienna Day Four, we planned to go to Budapest and the hot springs for the last two days, but the train was so expensive in the end that it didn’t seem worth it and with the stress of maybe missing a train and then our flight… well, we were wanting a holiday, so instead we booked another night in Vienna and took it easy. It meant we had time to go a little further out of the city centre to see the Palace. A trip to Vienna would not be complete without seeing the Schönbrunn Palace. I haven’t…