
The many meanings of 11th November

Today is November 11th and this is a very special day for me. The date has many different and important meanings as a result of family, friends, choices I’ve made and places I’ve been. I hope to share with you some of the different things that November 11th means for me.
Firstly – Birthdays
Birthday Candles
The first thing that always comes to my mind on this date are two important birthdays. My late Grandfather’s and one of my closest and longest friends. I’ve never forgotten their birthdays because as soon as I remember one, I remember the other. Happy birthday to you Tony and John!
Remembrance Day
Back home in England and across Commonwealth nations, November 11th is known as Remembrance Day as it was on this day in 1918, famously on the 11th hour of the 11th day that fighting in the First World War came to an end. 2014 is an especially important year as it marks the 100th anniversary since the start of the war. Remembrance Day exists to help us to remember all those suffered and died fighting during the war.
If you spend any time in the United Kingdom in early November, you will see lots of people wearing paper poppies on their shirts/jackets. Poppies grew all across the worst battlefields during the war and their stark red colour was seen as symbolic of the blood shed fighting. This beautiful flower was immortalised as a flower of remembrance due to the famous war poem, In Flanders Fields.

In Flanders fields the poppies grow,
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

If you are around London right now – be sure to check out the incredible Tower of London installation memorialising the fallen in World War One. There are 888,246 ceramic poppies, each of which hand-made individually, to represent each British military fatality during the war. Seeing the scale of the installation is completely mind-blowing and really puts the scale of the war into perspective.
Jam Doughnuts or Berliner
In Berlin and across Germany, Austria and Switzerland – the 11th November marks the start of Karneval or Fasching as it is known in Berlin. This always begins at 11:11am on 11th November to mark the start of Karneval (or die fünfte Jahreszeit- Fifth Season) and continues until Ash Wednesday.
People across Germany have a tradition of tucking into a delicious jam doughnut at 11:11am to celebrate. As you all know, Jam doughnuts are known as Berliner across Germany, EXCEPT for in Berlin, where they are called Pfannkuchen (literally Pancakes). We missed the moment today but I’m sure no one will complain if we enjoy a jam doughnut tomorrow instead!
Pocky (Mikado) Day
Finally, over in Japan – the 11th November is known as Pocky Day. Any guesses as to why?
Yes – 11/11 resembles a bunch of of these delicious Japanese snacks!
Pocky are thin biscuit sticks dipped in chocolate and can be found in almost any Asian supermarket around the world. They are actually distributed in the United Kingdom and Germany under a different name – Mikado. Before you run out and buy yourself a packet or two, I have to warn you now… they are extremely addictive and it is physically impossible to eat just one pocky and walk away!
That’s about it for my wrap up of November 11th! Does this date hold any important significance for you? I’d love to hear about!


    • Vanessa Abel

      We went to see the poppies and they were lovely. I actually bought a few of them and can’t wait for them to arrive. I have a thing for white, black and red and love poppies, so I couldn’t resist. They are still there (they starting taking them away today), so just go visit quick, before they disappear! 🙂

  • Ashley

    In Korea Pocky is called “Pepero” and Pepero Day is widely celebrated here, though I feel it’s hitching on to Valentine’s Day in that a lot of posters I’ve seen have couple and heart themes. In Japan I recall it was anyone gave and received Pocky, but it’s Korean couples that seem to be the most anxious to give and receive Pepero. I notice that Pepero is careful to make their special boxes green and red, and the unsold boxes and displays are promptly converted to Christmas themed Pepero. Makes me feel cynical and wonder how old the Pepero is by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around.

      • Ashley

        They’ve got an Oreo Pepero that is pretty amazing but overall it’s pretty much the same and not my favourite treat. There’s always that travesty of the 1 inch bit of biscuit with no chocolate on it. 🙁

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