
One year of Leather and Abel.com

Happy Birthday to us…

At the Airport in London before the big move!

So, our blog is officially one year old. I wouldn’t have thought one year ago that we would have so many people from all over the world reading our posts and getting involved with our story.
365 days ago I was working with a Japanese TV company in London. I had just handed in my notice and I was nervous about the future. I was about to turn 30 years old and about to be unemployed. I dyed my hair lighter and waited for our adventure to begin.
And it has been amazing!
I didn’t think I would ever live in Germany, but here we are absolutely loving it! The quality of life is so much better here, we both work part-time and live in the most amazing apartment and yet… we are eating better, going out more, spending more money and even managing to save money at the same time. No more living paycheque to paycheque and worrying about when payday will finally roll around.
The blog has made me realise how much I enjoy writing and it has turned into a world of lovely memories, from eating Hamburgers in Hamburg http://leatherandabel.com/hamburgers-in-hamburg/ , to moving house in Berlin to get away from a terrible neighbour http://leatherandabel.com/calling-the-police-in-germany/ and we have literally been flooded with guests who also write for us occasionally (see guestblogs for more).
The process of blogging has taught me about the world of the internet – although I have to say Jason does most of the nerdy-side of things, I have learnt how to add buttons to our website, how to link to other pages and even a little HTML.
But the most important thing is that I really enjoy writing. We have more exciting posts coming up for you all, from our trip to Japan in the summer, to articles about moving to Germany (hint-hint) and lots more about food, as that is my favourite topic. I hope you have enjoyed reading our posts and we look forward to hearing from you! 🙂

Happy Blogiversary!
I’m pretty sure that Blogiverary isn’t an official word yet but thanks to the valiant efforts of Team Leather and Abel, I am feeling confident that it will be a feature in next year’s updated Oxford English Dictionary.
I find it really hard to believe that we have been in Germany now for almost 10 months and the blog has been running for a full year. The time really has flown by in a whirlwind of moving countries and houses, meeting new people, working new jobs, discovering new food and travelling to new places.
Vanessa definitely has been the driving force behind the blog, signing us up to crazy projects like NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month – a take on NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month) where we had to write a new blog post every day. It was a fun challenge and really got us to keep on blogging during what may have been a quiet period.
It’s been a fantastic year full of changes and new experiences and I hope that you folks on the internet have enjoyed reading and being a part of it all with us.
If the coming year is even remotely like the last, then I genuinely have no idea what is in store, and I find that exciting. I hope you stick around and continue to enjoy learning about life (and FOOD!) in Germany with us here at L&A!


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