
Health comes first

Don’t worry, be happy…
I’m still having problems with my wrist. It started in November. A mix of a lot of crochet Christmas presents and a job where I have to use tills constantly for hours whilst folding clothes.
I’ve had a cast, a half-cast, a wrist band, warm bandages, cold bandages, massages, 5 weeks of physiotherapy, attaching kinetic tape all over my shoulders and arms and not moving my arm as much as possible. I’ve taken really strong medicine that gives me stomach cramps and makes me sick. I’ve tried exercises for my back and arms and shoulders.
After a lot of time off from work as well, it’s still not better. So now I’m giving up on my job, as I’m waking up because of the pain in my wrist and I can’t use it properly. It’s my right hand as well, so that makes life just that little bit more difficult – have you ever tried brushing your teeth with your left hand??
So I’ve officially taken off a month of work now, unpaid, until it gets better. I could keep going to the doctor, getting paid to rest my arm, but weekly visits to the doctor and constantly calling work to be told I am needed, we are short-staffed, there are so many people off sick blablabla… it’s not fair on my colleagues to work when I’m not able to do my job properly and my body is obviously trying to tell me something. So this month Jason and I will be chilling. Well, most of the time anyway. My physio said the problem probably stems from my posture – the injury is felt at my wrist but it’s origins have possibly been passed down from my back, through my shoulder and arm. As I’m compensating by using my left side much more to save using my right side, the left side of my body is aching. I’m also top-heavy, which exacerbates my bad posture.
So I’m going to sort this out. No more pain. I’ve bought a load of better fitting bras, am going to do back and arm exercises every single day, walk with better posture and try and eat better and sleep more. The three basic things to make you happy in life according to Jason: good food, good sleep and exercise. We started yesterday and if I tell you all about it, then I’m going to have to keep it up – I shall keep y’all updated. For now – just wish me good luck and hopefully my wrist will be better soon.


  • Christie (A Sausage Has Two)

    Good luck! That sounds hideous, poor you. I remember that tape from having problems with my back during pregnancy, had totally forgotten about that. Enjoy the chilling, and the exercises, and the new bras… and I’ll have everything crossed for you that it works 🙂

    • Vanessa Abel

      Thank you so much – it’s so crazy that such a small injury can literally change your life. I’m hoping everything just gets better super quickly and then I can actually enjoy my time off 😉

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