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    Green Eggs and Ham

    We have all had those moments when hunger pangs hit you suddenly and you find yourself pacing around the kitchen looking for anything even remotely edible to fill the sudden hole in your stomach. Luckily, today on L&A, we’d like to share with you a current favourite recipe that can be prepped, cooked and eaten within 5 minutes. That’s right, a delicious hot meal in about the same time it takes to make a bowl of cereal (at least how long it takes me to make cereal when I’m stumbling around the house blurry eyed at 6am). Introducing the wonder that is… Pesto Pancakes! They may not be the most…

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    Mega Pumpkin Soup

    Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate The first one said, “Oh, my, it’s half past eight!” The second one said, “There are witches in the air!” The third one said, “Good folk, beware!” The fourth one said, “We’ll run and run and run!” The fifth one said, “Let’s have some fun!” OOOOOOOH, went the wind And OUT went the light And the five little pumpkins Rolled out of sight.  ___ So tonight I made a pumpkin soup and a half. As a child who loved baking cakes, I got Delia Smith’s cooking books as a present one year. After trying her Butternut and Corn Soup, I never looked back (although her recipes include the…