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    Life Update

    Sorry… Firstly I’d like to say sorry for not even posting last week. In fact it’s been so long without a peek from us, that we are left wondering if any of you are still there? Haha… We moved to Liverpool at the beginning of December. We’ve actually been working on an exciting project that hopefully soon I can tell you about. We are going to be creating our own work, as one thing we realised in Berlin was that working 9-5 five days a week for someone else just doesn’t do it for us. I like to work. I like to be pushed and learn new things. I’ve had…

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    Rococo Liverpool

    Hit the road Jack… We were told that Rococo has an amazing high tea and each time we walked by the grandiose building we wanted to pop in, so we finally did. The best bit is definitely the fabulous rooms. It’s located on the second floor and once you’ve climbed up the stairs you end up in what feels like a massive house with many many rooms. You grab what you want to eat in the front room and then wander around to choose your favourite room and comfy chairs. It feels very posh and old-fashioned and you can almost imagine it being used for Pride and Prejudice. Very beautiful.…

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    Moon and Pea

    May the force be with you… I’ve found my new favourite cafe in Liverpool already. As soon as we arrived we grabbed an Independent Liverpool card, which gives you a free drink or percentage off your meal at local restaurants. There are no big chains involved, just small cafes that aren’t run by massive corporations. I love finding a hidden hot chocolate that can’t be beaten and Independent Liverpool makes it so easy! Moon and Pea was top of my list of places to try in Liverpool. I’d heard only exciting things about Lark Lane and it’s all true! This street has tons of cute places to grab a bite and this…

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    Mowgli – The best curry in England?

    Stop the Press!! So last week we ate four curries. We also had a Chinese and a full English Roast, but today I’m going to tell you about the final curry. It was one of the best curries of my life and I half want to keep it a secret from you all and half want to tell the entire world. Mowgli in Liverpool is actually amazing. And you need to understand, for me to say this is a curry not to be missed, well, this is a big deal. It comes from extensive curry tasting and flavour researching all over the world. I nearly died of happiness at my…

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    Goodbye Berlin…

    Time to say goodbye… So lovely readers, I would like to say sorry for the lack of posts recently, but I have been busy writing… A NOVEL! I joined the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing 50,000 words in just the month of November. I managed to hit the target just before the midnight deadline and am pretty chuffed. The novel isn’t finished however and I still want to continue, plus I have a mass-load of editing to do. Tenses got blurred up in the book and it’s going to be a pain to sort it out, but it would be amazing to publish a book one day. I shall keep you…