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    Berlin grows on me… Part Two

    Piggybacking shamelessly on Vanessa’s previous post, I thought I would take the opportunity to present a few of my initial impressions and things I learnt about Berlin from the wonderful trial week we spent there. Firstly, I would have to say that the title of this post is probably a bit misleading as Berlin didn’t need any opportunity to grow on me. I think I enjoyed the city from the very first moment I first arrived. Spending a week sampling life there and managing to discover only a tiny fraction of possibilities Berlin has to offer left me feeling very reluctant to board a plane and leave.  For me, Berlin…

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    Berlin grows on me…

    But why should I try to resist when, baby, I know so well – I’ve got you under my skin? Last week we went to Berlin to check out the apartment and the area we will be living in. It was basically to test whether it was crazy to pick up and move to Germany to eat sausages all day without a job, or whether we should be begging our bosses to keep us on. Luckily — Berlin felt right. It was such a lovely holiday. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I felt so completely relaxed. There were sunny morning balcony breakfasts, walks in the park and dancing…