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    Mowgli – The best curry in England?

    Stop the Press!! So last week we ate four curries. We also had a Chinese and a full English Roast, but today I’m going to tell you about the final curry. It was one of the best curries of my life and I half want to keep it a secret from you all and half want to tell the entire world. Mowgli in Liverpool is actually amazing. And you need to understand, for me to say this is a curry not to be missed, well, this is a big deal. It comes from extensive curry tasting and flavour researching all over the world. I nearly died of happiness at my…

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    Why English food is the best!!

    Food glorious food… When people say English food is bad, I just feel sorry for them. They obviously haven’t experienced England properly. When people say the food in London is bad, I just pity them and think these people are very lucky to have met me – now they have a chance to be educated in food from my wonderfully delicious home. London has the best food in the world. Anything you want to eat – it’s there. From curry and cakes for breakfast to fresh bagels and soup at 3am. Hungry for a typical English breakfast at dinner time? No problem for London! I literally could go on and on…

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    The best Indian curry in Berlin?

    What I would give for a good curry… My father’s proudest moment was feeding me curry when I was just two weeks old. Yup, you read that correctly. Once you have met the Abel Family, you probably won’t even be surprised at this. Another fun story was my dad cooking curry for his father a long time ago. Apparently the curry he made was too delicious to share, so instead, my dad went around the corner to get a takeaway curry for his father and saved his masterpiece for the next day. Curry is and always has been my absolutely most favourite food in the world and I miss it like…